select * from products where pro_name like '%a%line%' or pro_des like '%a%line%'union all select * from products where (pro_name like '%a%' or pro_des like '%a%') or(pro_name like '%line%' or pro_des like '%line%') and (pro_name not like '%a%line%' or pro_des not like '%a%line%')
New Style Beaded Really Puffy Sweet 16 Dress in Rainbow
Classical Wine Red Quinceanera Dress with Beading and Embroidery
Latest Beaded and Embroideried Taffeta Quinceanera Dress in Royal Blue
Best Selling Beaded and Ruffled Red Quinceanera Dress in Organza
Latest Hot Pink Organza Quinceanera Dress with Beading and Ruffles
Best Selling Beading Tulle Sweet 16 Gown in Fuchsia
Affordable Royal Blue Tulle Quinceanera Dress with Big Puffy
Classical Royal Blue and Lilac Quinceanera Dress with Beading and Pick Ups
Classical Beaded and Ruffled Sweet 16 Dress in Teal
Perfect Red Tulle Sweet 16 Dress with Beading and Ruffles
Elegant Two Tone Quinceanera Dress with Beading and Ruffles
Perfect Red and Black Quinceanera Dress with Beading and Ruffles
Modest Beaded and Ruffled Organza Quinceanera Dress in Royal Blue
Romantic Big Puffy Teal Quinceanera Dress with Beading and Ruffled Layers
Hot Sale Embroideried Big Puffy Quinceanera Dress in Teal
New Style Fuchsia Taffeta Quinceanera Dress with Appliques and Pick Ups
Lovely Beaded Bodice and Ruffled Organza Quinceanera Gown in Red
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Wonderful Beaded and Ruffled Sweet 16 Dress in Hot Pink
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Affordable Rainbow Big Puffy Tulle Quinceanera Dress with Beading
Most Popular Rainbow Big Puffy Quinceanera Dress with Beading
New Style Hot Pink Quinceanera Dress with Beading and Ruffles
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Popular Big Puffy Fuchsia Quinceanera Dress with Beading and Ruffles
Gorgeous Beaded and Ruffled Quinceanera Dress in Aqua Blue
Popular Royal Blue Organza Quinceanera Gown with Beading and Ruffles
New Style Turquoise Quinceanera Dress with Beading for Spring
Wonderful Beaded and Pick Ups Quinceanera Dress with Brush Train
New Beaded and Pick Ups Sweet 16 Dress with Brush Train